The Occupational Safety and Health Administration, or OSHA, recently announced that there will be an increase in fines for violations of workplace safety in 2019. The fines are being increased to adjust to inflation and will go into effect once they have been officially published in the Federal Register.
The new maximum penalties for violations of workplace safety were calculated based on the Consumer Price Index between October 2017 and October 2018. The maximum penalties that a business can face for each willful violation, and additionally for any repeat violations that may be determined, is $132,598. If OSHA determines that a company has serious violations, other-than-serious violations, or failed to abide by the posting requirements, they can be fined up to $13,260 for each individual violation.
This increase in fines comes after OSHA started conducting safety inspections of work facilities with drones. It is important to note that going forward, drones will only be used with the employer’s approval. The use of drones is particularly helpful for work facilities that are considered too dangerous for inspectors from OSHA to enter themselves. These drones can improve an inspector’s capabilities to find any workplace safety violations that may put workers at serious risk of harm. Some employers are concerned that drones may capture a company’s trade secrets and ultimately, put their business at risk.
If you have become the victim of an on the job injury, it may be beneficial to speak with an attorney and the doctor that is treating you to determine how to make the process as easy as possible. AllianceMeds understands that a workplace accident can be challenging and is here to help. We will deliver your medication to your door using overnight delivery and cover any out of pocket expenses that may arise. If you have any questions about how we can help, contact AllianceMeds today.