Earlier this year, the National Safety Council issued an update on rates of workplace injuries throughout the United States. Many of these statistics come as a surprise, as a lot of people are unaware of the sheer quantity of workplace injuries that occur. According to the NSC, a worker gets injured on the job every seven seconds. This adds up to 4.5 million workplace injuries every year.
Which occupations have the highest rate of injury?
There is a common misconception that construction workers are amongst the most injured workers. However, the report shows that construction is number 5 of occupations with the highest number of workplace injuries. The top 5 include service workers (such as firefighters and police officers), transportation and shipping workers, manufacturing and production workers, installation/maintenance and repair workers, and construction workers.
What are the most common types of workplace injuries?
Workplace injuries can include a wide variety of issues. According to the National Safety Council, the most common types of injuries that keep employees out of work include:
- sprains, strains, or muscle tears
- soreness or pain
- cuts
- lacerations
- punctures
- overexertion, such as repetitive motions and lifting/lowering
- being struck, crushed, or caught in a structure
- slip or trip and fall accidents
In fact, 104 million production days were lost due to work-related injuries throughout 2016. Being injured on the job is a serious matter. It is important to seek medical attention for your injuries if you have been hurt on the job.
If you have become the victim of an on the job injury, it may be beneficial to speak with an attorney and the doctor that is treating you to determine how to make the process as easy as possible. AllianceMeds understands that a workplace accident can be challenging and is here to help. We will deliver your medication to your door using overnight delivery and cover any out of pocket expenses that may arise. If you have any questions about how we can help, contact AllianceMeds today.