Workers’ compensation is insurance that exists in the event that an employee becomes injured or ill as a result of their course of employment. When the Coronavirus pandemic struck the United States, there were many people who continued to work in their place of employment until New Jersey’s stay-at-home orders were enacted. Even still, many essential workers continued to work throughout this time. Now, as the state begins its reopening plan, some people are going back to work.
It is because of this that there is potential for workers to contract the illness while conducting work-related business. As a result, there are many employees left wondering if they can receive workers’ compensation benefits if they get sick at work. Continue reading below to learn more.
What do I do If I Believe I Contracted the Coronavirus at Work?
If you believe you are ill with the Coronavirus (COVID-19) it is important that the first thing you do is contact your doctor to seek medical care. After doing so, if you test positive for the virus, advise your employer as soon as possible. This is so that they can report the illness to their Workers Compensation insurance carrier. Under New Jersey Workers’ Compensation Law, work-related injuries and illnesses are covered. Workers that test positive for the Coronavirus are only entitled to compensation in the event that they can establish the disease arose during their course of employment. However, front line workers, such as police officers, firefighters, and healthcare employees have an automatic presumption by law that the disease arose out of their employment.
Is There a Time Limit to File?
It is important to know that, in New Jersey, there is a two year statute of limitations that applies to workers’ compensation cases. A formal claim petition must be filed within two years of the date of injury or illness. Failure to do so can result in a loss of workers’ compensation benefits.
If you have become the victim of an on the job injury, it may be beneficial to speak with an attorney and the doctor that is treating you to determine how to make the process as easy as possible. AllianceMeds understands that a workplace accident can be challenging and is here to help. We will deliver your medication to your door using overnight delivery and cover any out of pocket expenses that may arise. If you have any questions about how we can help, contact AllianceMeds today.